
Long-Term Market trends and forecasts

As we have the time, we’ll provide some commentary here about the methods used by the various bodies for “long term” (which in the NEM means 10-years, typically)  forecasting. Where they don’t fit elsewhere, we’ll also put articles here looking…

About Emissions Reduction

A topic containing miscellaneous articles covering aspects of emissions reduction technologies (including renewables) and schemes (including the CPRS, Emissions Trading and the Carbon Tax).

March 2008 – Massive Heat-Wave hits SA & Victoria

In March 2008 (after summer had officially ended) South Australians were forced to endure a record 15 straight days of temperatures climbing above 35ºC. Victorians also experienced extreme heat for a number of days. This sweltering weather forced demand through…

Summer 2006-2007 – Miscellaneous Articles

Over the period of summer 2006-07, we prepared a number of articles about other occasions of note in the NEM (in addition to the blackout of 16th January 2007, which has been written about separately).

Summer 2007-2008 – how did it impact on the NEM?

Summer 2007-08 was really a story of two different summers, with very mild temperatures experienced in the north (resulting in low levels of demand) but with sweltering temperatures in the south (and huge demand as a result). This does not…

Drought of 2007

Here’s some articles about the impact of the drought on the NEM – culminating in a stepped change in prices, and changes to dispatch patterns, etc…

Winter 2007 – NEM-wide shortage of capacity

For two remarkable winter evenings in 2007 (19th and 20th June specifically) NEM-Wide Instantaneous Reserve Plant Margin (IRPM) plunged to the lowest levels ever seen in the NEM (a mere 7.6%) as generators were caught short of capacity by a…