
As we noted in the Generator Report Card, the reason that the supply side of the energy sector exists is to supply the electrical energy required by energy users, such that they can use that energy to create the thing (or that piece of ‘work’) that they ultimately value.  It stands to reason that a proper understanding of the energy sector means understanding electricity demand.

In April 2018 we published this detailed explainer about different aspects of electricity demand, particularly focusing on how it’s measured and understood in real time at a wholesale level.

You’ll find other articles tagged in relation to electricity demand here:

Declining Demand Articles about declining demand are tagged here.
Growth in Demand Articles about growth in demand are tagged here.
High (and Peak) Demand Demand might be measured on a NEM-wide basis, or just for a particular region (or zone within a region).  On WattClarity there are many articles posted about:

Low Demand Articles noting times of low demand in the NEM are tagged here.